Friday, 3 June 2011


About a week ago I came across a link to Horrific videos of what is happening in Syria today.  To say that I was disturbed by what I saw is certainly an understatement.  I went into my place of work the following day and started to inform my colleagues of what I saw and to tell you the truth I got no reaction from them at all. Totally not interested in any shape or form. I would have got more feedback from a Zombie Horde I kid you not. If I had informed them that Beer or the TV Magazines were going up in price I would have got some reaction that's for sure.  I'm not writing this post to gain support for or against what is happening in that country.  I just feel that I have to say something about what I saw.  Part of what I saw and this is probably not anywhere near the worst, was a family obviously out for the day all walking together. They were using a camcorder to film their family. As far as I could make out it was the Mum and Dad with their son and daughter. Son looked about 14 and the little girl about 5 years old. It was all fun untill the Syrian authorities opened up with their guns from some distant roof tops with exploding bullits and everything turned to chaos. The son was hit in the chest and the father was shot as well. The video showed the son in the middle of the road unable to crawl to his family and the father was too badly hurt to reach his son. The mother was trying to protect the daughter. You see the son slowly dying and his dad could only watch on. This was filmed from the camcorder which was just lying in the road which was obviously dropped. This was not a demonstration of any kind. just people out walking. The other stuff that I viewed is pretty horrific, from torture victims to mass killings in the streets.  I will not be posting any of the stuff that I saw but suffice to say that I'm very glad myself and my family stay in the UK, a million miles away from that tortured land.  I was in Syria some years ago and found it quite wellcoming. Iv'e spent nights in the desert and even spent a night in a Roman Amphitheatre out in the middle of nowhere, all very magical. Syrians are just the same as you and me. They have hopes and dreams as well and don't deserve to be slaughtered into oblivion. As far as I can make out this whole scenario is down to the people of Syria only wanting a bit of what we take for granted and that is called Freedom and a bit of Democracy in their land but their Leader President Bashar al-Assad wants to keep the people down in the gutter and to claim all for himself.  It's unbelievable that this Medievil Crap still goes on in these so called modern times.  I hope these writings don't offend or bore anyone. Like I said, I only wanted to tell you of something that I saw the other night. The video is only pics of Syria and some folk music.



  1. People often don't think of other people's worries, and needs. Most people don't even know that the whole world isn't like wherever they live.

  2. It's hard to get the sheeple interested in anything beyond their tiny little lives. I too yield to the temptation to shield my heart from a world full of tragedy.

  3. Big heads small minds.
    Today people are more interested in sport and what the celebrities do than in real news....

    "Hey you know what's going on in the middle east?"
    "No but I heard Amy Whinehouse is again in rehab"

  4. It is really depressing that you are right about the beer and magazine thing. Genocide? Is that a new band or something?

  5. horrible. but its cause ppl are desensitized

  6. I saw some videos of Syria and I was shocked, been there too in 1998

  7. I disagree with Ed, well not entirely but that was not the reason they didnt care, the reason is Its not their problem. If you said that this happened a few miles from there then yeah you would get a reaction but its far away and theres a proverb in my land "Ojos que no ven, Corazon que no siente" translates literally to -Eyes that dont see, Heart that doesnt feel.-

  8. It's true, but we can't all be aware of everything.

  9. Invisible borders cause such disassociation. Those people are different from them so it's a reason for them to not care.

  10. Yea people generally don't care from what I've seen. Can't blame them, easier to just ignore.

  11. dictators gonna dictate

  12. The title summarizes this situation so well.

  13. They pulled the plug on the internet in Syria. I really hope communication is reestablished soon and the truth of the government atrocities can be revealed.

  14. Agreed, this is outrageous.

  15. It is worth thinking of all the places where this type of lawlessness exists and ask why it is that the U.S. chooses to intervene in some countries and not others. Darfur for example gets no international peacekeeping force but Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Lybia and others get boots or bombs on the ground.

  16. That is tragic. It's unfortunate the world is the way it is.

  17. It's horrible things like this can happen =(

  18. It makes me really grateful to have grown up in the country that I did

  19. Fucking dictators, thanks for sharing, didn't know about this situation.

  20. Good reading.
    Dictators are horrible...

  21. its horrible how common dictatorships are in the world. This info should be far more widespread like you said.

  22. this is sad and shouldn't be sheltered

  23. it is funny how the media chooses what to report on

  24. i dont think so but thats your opinion ;)

  25. I heard one correspondent say that it was a kind of Gangland out in Syria and that in places like this, there is a real fear of them turning into another ivory coast. Ie. pirate society.

  26. hurry up and start rioting in north america

  27. ugh i completely agree with you!!! that is so horrible!! >=(

  28. "We all want to help one another. Human beings are like that. We want to live by each other’s happiness – not by each other’s misery. We don’t want to hate and despise one another. In this world there is room for everyone. And the good earth is rich and can provide for everyone. The way of life can be free and beautiful, but we have lost the way." - Charlie Chaplin : The Great Dictator's Speech

  29. i care . good ideas,and an interesting video post

  30. Yeah, it sucks, but it's all in context. I'm sure these people don't mean to be rude, but it's just how we're raised and our white people problems. I'm sure people in Syria and all around the world might not care about some other's countries problems. It's unfortunate.

  31. You're so true... But there are so many problems in the whole world that it's difficult to pay attention to everything...

  32. I feel bad for these people

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