Tuesday, 7 June 2011


Is Astral Travelling possible?.  To project your conciousness while you are sleeping to anywhere you wish to go. Anywhere on earth or to even "Trip the Light Fantastic" all the way to the far end of the "Milky Way". I'm a believer of anything is possible so that makes the word impossible a bit improbable.
Do you think that if Human Beings can survive this planet that it is possible for us to evolve to such a level of existence that we will have left our physical bodies behind and actually have become an energy of intelligence. You never know.  If we realise that as sentient beings  we are constantly evolving to higher levels then the Universe could become our oyster.
When you think of it our brain is only working at 10% of its potential  (thats what the scientists calculate) so whats happening to the other 90%. Is it just sitting there in between our shoulders patiently waiting for this evolving thing to take place. Who's not to say that when we sleep a small part of this 90% starts to become active and to perhaps, just perhaps allows us to Astral Travel amongst other things. Lots of people say that they can Astral Travel and who can dispute that they are not telling the truth.  Iv'e tried the ole Astral travel thing myself but I didn't get my consciousness beyond the bed sheets. Iv'e known some folks who said that they could Astral Travel and when they spoke of their experiences they were very believable. The thing is one of these people was a  friend and had no reason to make this up. So what am I to think. Just because I haven't experienced this sort of thing doesn't  mean that its an impossiblity, that would be very negative of me. I think that its important to keep an open mind about all things in life. So what do you think, is Astral Travel possible or not.  If it is possible then I would love to travel with a bit of Trance music for the journey.




  1. the whole 10% thing is actually a myth.

  2. I call bullshit on the 10% claim.

  3. Nope, not at all. But we can use the power of our mind to determine the laws of physics and underlying nature of the universe and use it to imagine wonderful vistas on distant worlds.

  4. ^^^ spoken like a true realist.

  5. I'm always wondering what they mean with 10% and 90%. What is the rest of the braincells doing? Just nothing? Are they disconnected? What?

  6. I used to read a lot on this stuff, but then I lost interest =/

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I don't want to come off as rude or mean, but the brain usage of 10 percent claim came about from either an 1890 study related to IQ acceleration (teach someone a test and of course their IQ will show higher, especially on those older tests) or from the misrepresentation of work in the early 20th century that claimed that, at any time, our only 10 percent of our neurons are firing. Neurons are specialized and differentiated, and you need look no further than the nervous system to see this. Can you use neurons in your arm designed for pressure sensing to remember information for a test? Yet again, not trying to be a jerk here, but I try to ensure truth is spread.
    7 June 2011 15:55

  9. i become a tv when i go to sleep

  10. i think we're not exploring new territory but just reinventing the ones we already know

  11. This is a great playlist, I'm saving these.

  12. i love the goa...

  13. Beautifull music, absolutely love these tracks ;D

  14. You won me over with the first clip!

    Try Gataka - Dreaming Mode ;)

  15. got some great tunes there man ;) very very nice

  16. Interesting stuff dude, nice tunes.

  17. 10% is a myth, but I like the music.

  18. Is it possible? YES
    Awesome music you got over there.

  19. I doubt it is possible to actually transmit your consciousness outside of your body, but I know you can find an infinite world of wonders on the inside.

  20. Love me some trance, great for driving on long trips too. Great blog... followed!

  21. I don't think consciousness is something you have or own or is separate from "you."

  22. The Astral probably has music so crazy it puts trance to shame.

  23. wow, if only i could do this...

  24. I would like to think so. Though I'm sure your dreams of "travel" are actually images that your brain makes with the current knowledge that you have. If you thought all frogs were magenta in the Amazon and you have a dream that you traveled there, all the frogs would be magenta

  25. Just the idea is intriguing, i think i will look into this some more.

  26. Astral Travel is all about imagination :)

  27. Astral voyage is Possible i have done it man, subconsciously but none the less, its quite a view, you can visualize yourself as you truly are, a being of light not flesh, when you look at your arms its like the Effect of PREDATOR with his camouflage, and the Light, normal light is broken in to the full spec of the rainbow. Afterwards you are TIRED like SLEEP tired when your waking up but arent fully awake you feel your body STIFF and heavy and can barely move.

  28. very cool, i mean astral travel sounds like a cool concept

  29. Interesting posts.
    Did you use Macro mode on your camera to take it?
    (on the "Burning Thoughts" ... No, it was my prime lens 18-105mm on the D90) ...
    Thanks for your visit ...

  30. I wonder if Astral Projection is instantaneous.

  31. interesting/cool vid keep on posting =D

  32. I feel the same as you do on the subject of Astral Travel. I had a friend who said he had done it so much that he was able to visit other planets, by way of soul or mind traveling (Astral Travel) and leave his body here. I would just nod with whatever he said. For all I knew, could have told the truth. I tried it, too and felt myself dropping into a trance, got scared and brought myself back into regular consciousness. I think the best thing to do is keep an open mind with a lot of things we don't know about yet.

  33. Wow really liked it, MUST FOLLOW YOU! real thanks

  34. Excellent music, nice read to go along with it.

  35. nice music! following you for more

  36. i love psytrance, thanks for sharing these tunes. also thanks to xenototh for his insight, it's nice too see certain topics debated!

  37. Without drugs? No... even ancient shamans used some chems to "release" their souls. Try Salvia Divinorum and you will see... astral projection

  38. great, gimme more of that :)

  39. people got a big potential if their brain working only on 10%

  40. Now I have the urge to listen some Goa Gil.
